FINE CHISEL's Shakespearean knees-up won a Three Weeks Editors' Award at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and has since toured pubs, halls, schools, farms, railway arches and a host of theatre bars around the UK and Ireland.

Outside, the land is burning. But in the bar, music is playing, drink is flowing and there are stories to be told.

The Boar’s Head in London’s Cheapside was William Shakespeare’s favourite pub. FINE CHISEL bring it to life and fill it with an array of colourful characters. Some of them you’d expect to find there, propping up the bar. Others we’ve relocated from across the Complete Works. Grab yourself a glass and come join them…

Foot-stomping live music, party-popper warfare and folk-fuelled storytelling.

★★★★★ ’Fine Chisel… have sieved through the entire works of Shakespeare, done a bit of jiggery-pokery… and come out with a masterpiece’ - Fringe Guru.

★★★★★ ‘Genuinely outstanding… Bawdy, raucous, immersive.' - Three Weeks.

Midnight at the Boar’s Head was originally commissioned and produced by Theatre Royal Bath, Shakespeare Unplugged.

EVISED AND PERFORMED BY: Tom Spencer, George Williams, Holly Beasley-Garrigan and Robin McLoughlin.
COMPOSED BY: George Williams.
GUEST PERFORMERS: Justin Wilman, Carolyn Goodwin, James Hill and Greg Hall.